Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Prayer List no.4 - Light from a Stained Glass Window - 01/08/2017 (Christine)

There are moments while I feel like sitting in a dark room on my own....

  • The responsibility as a sole carer with protective mechanism to ensure Adrian has the best chance to fight his illness...
  • The devastation and helplessness seeing your loved one in constant pain and tiredness...
  • The huge sense of fear in facing a reality of becoming a widow in a foreseeable future...
  • Sometimes even in quiet time with God I am only able to see a tiny window with light shining through - 
  • And I struggle daily to guard my soul, my heart, my mind and my faith to fight this spiritual battle...

The digging of the SOC foundation began last week and the floor was broken up.  Apart from Adrian's broken rib,  I also noticed that various things around me started breaking - first some dishes, then some cupboard doors, toilet flush, car mirror and yesterday one of my TOOTH!!!  I felt exhausted to fight on...
  •  However looking back at the past 2 week -  our whole church in various occasions knelt before the Lord to repent and ask for His forgiveness....
  • Many brothers and sisters fast to pray for us everyday...
  • A sister whom I never met before prophesied that those with broken bones will have their lives transformed by God...

And a brother gave me Psalm 91 as an encouragement - 
  •  “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.  He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble,
    I will deliver him and honour him.  With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

And there I am - this morning - while praying to God - I saw the broken pieces of myself in a totally different perspective...
In fact I saw the face of Jesus beaming with light through a stained glass window -  all the glass may be in broken pieces - but the light is reflected into different directions - and the vision is so BEAUTIFUL and GLORIOUS!!!  And I cannot stop praising God!

Through our brokenness God is granting renewal.
  • The DETOX sermon series starts this Sunday and the healing hands of God is already touching all who come at His feet...

****So please pray for God's protection for Adrian, especially his bones - and God's healing on any of his bones that had been damaged and stop the cancer spreading to other bones and other parts of his body - we should know the result of the bone scan next (08/08/2017).

PS. Thank you once again for all you love and prayers - especially the lovely dinners cooked with your labour of love - and all the kind words of encouragements.


  1. John 20:29 NIV
    Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
    Thank you Chrstibe for your sharings. Katie Woo

  2. Thank you for your honest sharing Christine.
    Blessed are those who seek Him.

  3. Thank you so much for your sharing from the depth of your heart. I cannot begin to imagine the pain and fear you are going through. Praise God that His light and comfort still comes through to you in this desperately difficult time. Rest assured that you and Adrian are constantly in our prayer.
    Alice Szeto

  4. Dear Adrian & Christine. My deepest empathy to your pain & frustration in darkness, among changes & uncertainty. I am with mum facing cancer with surgery chemo/radio treatment as well. Not easy at all. I understand. Yet knowing Jesus is near when looking up to His hope & glory warms our hearts! Never give up! Peace be with you always!

  5. Thanks for your heart-felt sharing. Praise the Lord for journeying this with you, Adrian and everyone around you, providing spiritual and physical strength and comfort.

    "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 5:16
